Minggu, 23 November 2008

Twilight ep. 2

Isabella Swan is the new kid in school after coming to live with her father in the dreary town of Forks on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. The sun rarely shines in Forks, nothing at all like the warm, sunny Phoenix she’s left behind. As Isabella tries to acclimate to a new home, a new school, and a new town, things become increasingly more interesting for her. Isabella’s first day of school starts off relatively uneventfully, but all of that changes at lunchtime when she notices a table of “devastatingly, inhumanly” beautiful teenagers sitting on the opposite side of the cafeteria. Their pale marble-like skin, dark eyes, and sculpted features captivate Isabella, and she seems to take a particular interest in the youngest looking boy with the bronze-colored hair.Schoolyard gossip quickly reveals that these beautiful students are part of a foster family and live with a Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife. An intrigued Isabella is assigned Edward Cullen as her lab partner in her afternoon biology class. Edward is the boy with the bronze-colored hair, and his reception of Isabella is hostile at best. His rigid posture, coal-black eyes and furious expression leave her feeling bewildered and fretful. As the week progresses, Edward’s failure to show up for class eases Isabella’s anxiety. When Edward reappears, his appearance seems different somehow, and he is visibly less tense. He surprises Isabella once again with a more cordial greeting and addresses her as Bella, a nickname only her father knows. Playful banter ensues between the two of them as they become more acquainted with one another. Bella continues to be confused and mesmerized by Edward, and her attraction to him grows stronger every day.After several brushes with disaster and Edward’s habit of always showing up at the right time to rescue her, Bella begins to ask questions. She implies that Edward is something other than human, or at least someone with unique powers. Edward denies her suspicions at first and warns her stay away from him for her own good. Bella’s persistence prevails, and Edward finally reveals to her that he is a vampire, and therefore dangerous to her, but it is too late. Bella and Edward have fallen in love with one another. Bella’s feelings for Edward have become so strong she is willing to overlook the danger she puts herself in by being near him. Theirs is a forbidden love if there ever was one.Unlike more traditional portrayals of vampires throughout literature, Meyer’s vampires are graceful, compassionate creatures. Edward is a vampire with morals and a conscience, as are the other members of his foster family. Dr. Carlisle Cullen has carefully “chosen” his family members over time, only choosing those whose human lives were on the verge of extinction. Edward was born in 1901 and found by Dr. Cullen at the age of seventeen while lying near death in a Chicago hospital bed.The Cullens have trained themselves to feast on animals rather than humans to quench their thirst for blood. The reader soon learns that the color of Edward’s eyes revolve around his feedings. His eyes are a warm gold color when he is satiated, but coal black when he is at his most dangerous. Despite his animal feedings, Edward’s turmoil becomes obvious as Meyer powerfully describes his struggle to maintain control in Bella’s presence. The bloodlust Bella inspires in Edward is great, but not greater than the love he feels for her.Meyer skillfully creates a realistic environment in which vampires would choose to inhabit by setting her story in Forks, where the weather is usually dark and rainy. However, Meyer adds her own twist to the age-old fable of why vampires avoid sunlight. Edward and his family members actually become even more beautiful in the sunlight, and their skin literally sparkles. This beauty must be hidden, though, so as not to expose them for what they really are, explaining why Edward and his foster siblings are never seen at school on the rare sunny day in Forks.Although Bella’s feeble attempts at independence and her continued damsel-in-distress routine get somewhat repetitive, it is easy to see how Edward’s protection of her is integral to Meyer’s story. When a group of traveling vampires arrive in town, the Cullens must band together to keep Bella safe. Not all vampires feel the affection for humans that the Cullens do, and Bella quickly becomes prey for one interloper in particular. The traveling vampire’s frightening and climactic chase of Bella culminates in her mother’s hometown of Phoenix, where Edward is faced with a heartbreaking decision. Wise beyond his eternal seventeen years, Edward must choose between saving Bella’s human life and allowing her transformation into vampire, which would unite them until the end of time.Twilight is a spellbinding love story of a mere mortal and her vampire boyfriend. Meyer’s ability to depict such raw emotion in her telling of Bella and Edward’s gothic version of Romeo and Juliet is superb. Teens and adults alike will love this heartrending fantasy novel and will be engrossed from page one. Teens will relate to the intense emotions felt by Bella and Edward, and adults will grow nostalgic for their first love and the feelings that Meyer evokes. Meyer leaves her readers wondering if Bella and Edward’s relationship will stand the test of time. Will Bella move on into adulthood while Edward remains ageless at seventeen for all eternity? We’ll have to pick up a copy of Meyer’s second book in the series, New Moon, to find out.

Jumat, 21 November 2008

ThE WoW OrIgInAl StoRy .Chapter 1: MyThOs

The Titans and the Shaping of the Universe

No one knows exactly how the universe began. Some theorize that a catastrophic cosmic explosion sent the infinite worlds spinning out into the vastness of the Great Dark - worlds that would one day bear life forms of wondrous and terrible diversity. Others believe that the universe was created as a whole by a single all-powerful entity. Though the exact origins of the chaotic universe remain uncertain, it is clear that a race of powerful beings arose to bring stability to the various worlds and ensure a safe future for the beings that would follow in their footsteps.
The Titans, colossal, metallic-skinned gods from the far reaches of the cosmos, explored the newborn universe and set to work on the worlds they encountered. They shaped the worlds by raising mighty mountains and dredging out vast seas. They breathed skies and raging atmospheres into being. It was all part of their unfathomable, far-sighted plan to create order out of chaos. They even empowered primitive races to tend to their works and maintain the integrity of their respective worlds.
Ruled by an elite sect known as the Pantheon, the Titans brought order to a hundred million worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark Beyond during the first ages of creation. The benevolent Pantheon, which sought to safeguard these structured worlds, was ever vigilant against the threat of attack from the vile extra-dimensional entities of the Twisting Nether. The Nether, an ethereal dimension of chaotic magics that connected the myriad worlds of the universe, was home to an infinite number of malefic, demonic beings who sought only to destroy life and devour the energies of the living universe. Unable to conceive of evil or wickedness in any form, the Titans struggled to find a way to end the demons' constant threat.

Selasa, 18 November 2008

Funny Story ep 3

COWOK PEMALU,Menekan tombol send sambil menggunakan palu.

COWOK PEMALAS,Mengirim email buat 10 orang, tapi diberikan ke salah satu temennya biar di forwardkan

COWOK SUPER PEMALAS SEKALI,Setelah mengetik email langsung pulang karena males mencet tombol send

COWOK IRIT,Kirim email hanya ketika ada ... (kalimatnya dipotong, biar irit)

COWOK PENGERTIAN,Selalu mengerti isi email yang dikirimkan padanya, bahkan sebelum dibuka. dan akan mengerti bahwa si penerima telah mengerti bahwa dia ingin membalas setelah menerima email tersebut namun khawatir jika ada salah pengertian. jadi dia mengerti jika kawannya sudah pasti mengerti kenapa email tadi tidak dibalas.

COWOK PLAYBOY,Punya banyak account email dan tidak pernah dibuka bersamaan (biar tidak cemburu).

COWOK PRO POLIGAMI,Punya banyak account email, dan dibuka bergantian secara adil, bahkan seringkali mengirimkan email yang sama dari seluruh accountnya, biar adil.

COWOK HOBY SELINGKUH,sudah punya account email tapi sering nyoba hacking account orang lain

COWOK PELUPA,Buka satu account email, terus passwordnya di lupakan, buka account lagi passwordnya dilupakan lagi. begitu seterusnya.

COWOK (Obsesi) BEKEN,Tombol send diberi efek suara tepuk tangan saat ditekan.

COWOK AKTIFIS,Senang sekali menekan tombol send, bahkan rela keliling warnet untuk membantu menekankan tombol send pengunjung lainnya.

COWOK TIDAK SOPAN,Setelah surat diketik, mengupil dan meleletkan upilnya di tombol klik kiri mousenya, trus minta tolong ke cowok aktifis untuk menekan tombol sendnya

Nah... Hati2 dhe sama cowo yg gila komputer, bisa2 dia salah satu dari sifat cowo2 di atas yah cewe2.... ^^- Raigaku

Funny story ep.2

Seorang ibu di pasar hendak membeli ayam, dia lalu pergi ke tukang ayam, terjadilah dialog antara ibu dan tukang ayam:
Ibu : "Pak ceker ayamnya berapa harganya kalau 2 kilo?"
Tukang ayam : "2 kilo hanya 5000 bu .."
Ibu : "Boleh saya tawar gak ?"
Tukang ayam : "Oh boleh saja, ibu mau nawar berapa ?"
Ibu : "4000 boleh gak ?
"Tukang ayam : "3000 aja ya bu?
"Ibu : (Bingung) "Lho kok 3000 ?, tapi oke deh..."
Akhirnya si tukang ayam menyerahkan plastik berisi kaki ayam
Ibu : "Lho kok kakinya kiri-kanan"
Tukang ayam : "Iya dong! memangnya kenapa?"
Ibu : "Saya maunya kaki yang kanan doang ,,, soalnya kalo kaki yang kiri bekas nyebok!!"
Tukang ayam : ????? HAH ??????